Unlocking the Power of Emotional Intelligence
Leadership isn't all about commanding respect and having the answers to every question. Being a leader not only requires having knowledge, but also understanding how your emotions affects others during times of crisis or success. Emotional intelligence is just as important as IQ when it comes to effective leadership. A World Economic Forum report recently ranked emotional entelligence as the 6th most important skill needed in 2020 in order to manage the coming 4th industrial revolution. EI wasn’t even on the list for 2015. Here are some key advantages that emotional intelligence can bring to your business and help you be an effective leader.
Emotional intelligence can help you better understand yourself.
If you can understand your own emotions, you can better manage them and stay in control during challenging situations. When you know your triggers and how to deal with your emotions, you are less likely to let them get the best of you.
Emotional intelligence can help you better understand others.
If you can read other people’s emotions, you can better manage interactions, build relationships, and resolve conflicts. You will also be better equipped to understand and empathize with others, which can make them more likely to trust and confide in you.
Emotional intelligence can help you better manage stress.
If you can manage your emotions, you will be less likely to feel overwhelmed by stress. When you have emotional intelligence, you know how to better deal with stressful situations. This can lead to improved work performance, better decision making, and reduced stress in your personal life.
Emotional intelligence can improve your overall well-being.
When you have emotional intelligence, you have the ability to regulate your emotions, set boundaries, and manage stress. This can lead to a more positive outlook on life, increased happiness, and improved physical health.
Emotional intelligence shapes our interactions with colleagues, customers, and employees alike, defining the culture we create as leaders. The ability to recognize and understand our emotions (and those of others) informs important decisions that influence organizational goals. Leaders who develop emotional intelligence can make more nimble responses to change; they are better equipped to anticipate problems and trust their gut when it’s time to act. Ready to take a next step in developing greater emotional intelligence and self-awareness? Coaching can help. Schedule a coaching session today and take charge of your future.