Lighten Your Load

We all know the feeling of carrying too much weight. But when it comes to our relationships, we tend to take on a heavier burden than necessary by holding grudges against one another. Put simply: harboring resentment is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die from it! Thankfully there’s an antidote - forgiveness! Forgiveness may be discussed in religious circles but regardless of belief, learning how to forgive can make for stronger connections with those around us; something that's essential for navigating life's hikes and trails.

Hurtful experiences can leave deep and lasting scars. However, finding the courage to forgive those who've wronged us is an essential part of healing - even if we never forget what happened. To clarify: forgiving doesn't mean forgetting; pretending nothing occurred; or expecting instant trust restoration. It does mean having a willingness to accept that mistakes were made without condoning them- so you don’t have to like your offender in order for forgiveness work its healing magic in you.

Forgiving is an ongoing process that liberates us from bitterness and anger. It's a gift we give ourselves, even when the other party remains unapologetic; it isn’t about them - it’s all about our own liberation. Through forgiving again and again, we learn to let go of grudges in order to make room for peace within.

Truth is, it’s easier to talk about forgiveness than it is to practice it. Everyone thinks that forgiveness is a lovely idea...until they have someone to forgive. And for most of us the person we struggle most to forgive is ourselves. So, how do you learn to forgive? Check out this loving kindness meditation – a great tool for helping us let go of the burden of unforgiveness.

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