Your Not-To-Do List
I’m a To-Do List junkie. I like to get stuff done. I get energized by making a list and checking things off it. And yes, I confess, occasionally I do something that wasn’t on my list and then I write it on my list just so that I can check it off.
Over the years, however, I’ve learned that energy is a resource like money. If you spend it in one place you can’t spend it in another. And if you spend more than you have, you wind up in debt. When it comes to energy, “debt” looks like a To-Do List with more things on it than we have time to do. It feels like the constant weight of unfinished business and the frustration of only giving 80% to things that deserve more.
Can you relate?
Deciding what not to do is at least as important as deciding what to do. That’s why creating a Not-To-Do List is a worthwhile exercise.
You can find dozens of ways to create a Not-To-Do List through a quick internet search. Below is an exercise that I’ve found helpful along the way.
Step One: Create a list of your typical To-Do’s. Consult your calendar and previous To-Do Lists. The more complete your list, the better.
Step Two: On a blank sheet of paper, copy the following grid:
Step Three: Put each task from your list into one of the four quadrants:
Something I love doing, and I excel at it. This is a task that energizes you and others would say you excel at.
Something I love doing, but I don’t excel at it. Be honest!
Something I don’t love doing, but I excel at it. You do this well, but it drains you.
Something I don’t love doing, and I don’t excel at it.
In a perfect world, we would only do those things that we love and excel at. Unfortunately, this isn’t a perfect world! Here are a few questions for reflection:
What do I notice about my grid?
What tasks absolutely, positively have to be on my list? What tasks don’t?
How can I do more of what I love and less of what I don’t?
Who loves and excels at the things I don’t? Can I delegate?
What can/should I put on my Not-To-Do List?
Who can hold me accountable?
Step Four: Create you Not-To-Do List and try it on for a month. Then reevaluate.
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